Photo by Angelika Sauerer

“Art seems to me to be above all a state of soul.”

Marc Chagall

I am a realistic painter with a strong emphasis on symbolism and mysticism. In the Circle collection, the symbolic aspect is more emphasized, while in the watercolor paintings, the foreground is a realistic motif. My main medium is oil paints, which allow me more time for contemplation during the creative process. I often add gold leaf to my paintings, as gold is a symbol of divinity, power, triumph and transcendence.

With my paintings I want to express peacefulness and the power to persist in change. Currently, I am greatly inspired by the world of animals, with which I have always been strongly connected - as if I understood their language and interconnectedness. I believe that we are all connected to each other, including to nature - the animal and plant kingdoms are like paradise, of which we are also a part. I can find beauty everywhere if I just want to look.

I was born in 1984 in Ljubljana, where I've lived and worked till the end of 2017. The same year I also graduated  at the College of Visual Arts – Arthouse. At the beginning of 2018 I moved to Holzkirchen near Munich, Germany.


2023; Golden night light; Kultur im Oberbräu, Hozkirchen, Germany.

2018; I went there and got somewhere else; Finzgar Gallery; Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2017; She; MKLJ – Ljubljana Library; Ljubljana, Slovenia.

2016; Family portrait, Ljubljana Sentvid, Slovenia.


2024; Kunststatt exhibititon & Pop-up shop, Miesbach, Germany

2023; Franken Kunstmesse (art fair), Bad Staffelstein, Germany.

2022 & 2023; Kunststatt exhibitions, Schaftlach, Germany.

2020; Open days of Atelier - Exhibition and Auction, Tegernsee, Bayern, Germany.

2018; The river of life, Gallery Kinogledalisce Tolmin; Tolmin, Slovenia.

2014-2015; Student exhibitions, Hostel Celica & Spomeniskovarstveni center Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia.


2022 & 2024; Offene Ateliertage (Open studio days), Holzkirchen.

2022, 2023, 2024; Kunst im Schaufenster (Art in the shop window), Holzkirchen.

2023; The Big Hoot Holzkirchen;

2014 - 2020; The Map Project: Where I live. The Map Project - Where I Live (


2023 Heidi Siefert, Der Mond, das Gold und die Kirschblüte,, Nr.57, 9. March 2023, p. 3.

2023 Monika Ziegler, Das goldene Licht des Mondes, Kulturvision e.V., 9. March 2023,

2021 Reinhold Schmid, Fantasie trifft Spiritualität, Kultur Begegnungen, Edition 36, November 2021 - May 2022, p. 17.

2020, Monika Heppt, Verena Huber, Reinhold Schmid, Bildende Künstler im Landkreis Miesbach, Begleitkatalog zu den 2020: Offenen Ateliertagen

2018, Text: K.H., "Šla sem tja, prišla drugam", Newspaper Družina, 21. Jaunar 2018, p. 12.